Introduction » YOKOMO » BL-RCP Yokomo ESC Competition Capacitor (Non polar)


BL-RCP Yokomo ESC Competition Capacitor (Non polar)


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Product no.: 006806b
our price without Tax : € 35.6 (926.1 Kč)
our price including Tax (21 %):
€ 43.1 (1,120.6 Kč)

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Full specifications

A capacitor for racing that maximizes the performance of ESC. When the load becomes high due to sudden throttle operation, etc., it supplements the electric power and enhances the acceleration power. Each cord is attached to the battery ± terminal of ESC, but since it is non-polar, it can be used regardless of which pole it is attached to. Size is 20.5 x 16.0 x 6.8 mm.